Making a difference for Connecticut technical high school students

On June 9, KBE is handing out $17,000 in scholarships to 34 students from Connecticut’s 17 diploma-granting technical high schools. The scholarships are part of KBE’s “50 Ways to Make A Difference” philanthropic program, through which we have donated more than $1.2 million and 5,000 volunteer hours since 2009.  The 34 students – a young man and young woman from each school – were recommended by their teachers and guidance counselors for the scholarships, which are to be used to offset the costs of any certified post-high school educational program that prepares the student for a career in the architect, engineering, or construction fields. Our 50 Ways program has always focused on helping people in our community grow and develop – and supporting our future workforce just makes good sense! Plus, we’ve had the opportunity to build major renovations and additions at six of these technical high schools – the programs, workshops, educational settings these schools offer are just exceptional.  The scholarship event will be held at Goodwin Technical High School in New Britain on June 9 – with catering by the school’s culinary arts students.