North Haven High School

North Haven High School

Location: North Haven, CT
Client: North Haven Board of Education
: Kaestle Boos Associates (New Britain, CT)
Description: Construction Manager at Risk for a 245,000 sf, 3-story high school featuring dedicated floor of high-tech science labs, 600-seat Performing Arts Center, 650-seat cafeteria, 15,000 sf gymnasium, 1,500 sf fitness facility, and high-tech media center.

KBE’s intensive Preconstruction and Value Management Services resulted in a budget reduction of nearly $700,000. “We had your estimating experts at our disposal during the design phase…This enabled us to immediately review the cost and constructability of various materials and components we were considering and ultimately led to the delivery of a high-quality, high-value facility. I was very pleased as well by how your team truly respected the integrity of our design intent. It was absolutely an interactive and collaborative process from the start.” - David W. King, AIA, Vice President, Kaestle Boos Architects, Inc.

Winner: Award of Merit, Connecticut Building Congress